Saturday, May 10, 2008

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History

Thursday morning I made this LO with leftovers from my mom's album...I NEVER scrap in the morning before work...( I am the antimorning person) but I knew when I got home I was going to have a Josh dvd to watch, and a music concert from school to go to... so I had to get my scrappin' done BEFORE all that.

BTW.. AWAKE LIVE=AWESOME. If you like Josh at all... GO BUY IT. You won't be disappointed.

Friday I finished my bosses' album. Which I'm not going to post pictures of unless he okays it afetr I give it to him... but really it was just a kit, so it's nothing thrilling. So I probbaly won't even ask.

Today I got my kits from Scarlet Lime... and I'm in love. Made this page with one of them!
The journaling tag says "well behaved women rarely make history" I'd heard the quote before, but had forgotten about it until I saw it on a t-shirt someone was wearing at the grocery store today. I thought it perfect for this page, we both look so mischievious.
Today i also got a massage while listening to Josh, it was lovely, adn now I am so relaxed I just want to crawl into bed and sleep.


Your Very Best Friend said...

I need the help of women, I'm writing a book...check out my blog and see if its something you'd like to perticiapte in...thanks
your very best friend

Jena said...

Kimmage! I lurve the second one, sooo pretty and swirly thingies are fun, the colour of the page really brings out the peekture. good work!