Sunday, February 1, 2009

She Lives!

Yes I am still about.
I am still creating.
Not EVERYDAY, but most days.
I'll post some of my most recent projects soon.
I'll try posting some of my photos too. I decided NOT to take one everyday, just take a bunch whenever the fancy strikes me.

Currently working on:
A Josh Ticket book for my friend Gayle
A Bat Mitzvah Book for my friend Rhiannon
A 4x4 mini LO for a Josh thing
A "Rent" inspired LO for Theatre Love Blog... challenge will be up the 15th!
Some ideas for paintings on the walls of my friends' Michael & Amy's house. I am painting Fish & Ships in their bathroom and some Space Dragons in his office- over Spring Break. (Email me those pictures, so I can start sketching!!)

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