Friday, May 30, 2008

School Projects

I've also worked on a few projects at school in the absence of my computer...

A mural at school. It's on a bulletin board and all that "white space" will be filled with papers/posters, etc. I just got tired of the plain wall. I used my Cricut to cut out the letters from vinyl...& yes they are Josh song lyrics. :P

This is the 3rd mural I have painted. The first one was in a friend's living room, a fantasy thing with a pegasus & dragons. The second one was in my last classroom, a reproduction of Starry Night by VanGogh. I'm doing another one this summer in a friend's kid's bathroom... "Fish n' Ships" that one is gonna be fun. :) Gotta research some ships though. LOL.

The Happy jar. I made these with my students the last week of school. Theya re filled with compliments form each other. :D

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